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Renal Diet Plan: Update on Kidney Diet plan with Keto and Fasting August 2019


Episode 52: Renal Diet Plan: Update on Kidney Diet plan with Keto and Fasting August 2019. I’m often asked, how is my kidney diet plan going and what am I doing for my renal diet? What renal diet foods am I eating, what does a typical meal look like with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)? Here is my Kidney Diet plan update for August 2019.

One thing which is certainly true about fighting and beating CKD is that everything changes. The renal diet plan I had at Stage 5 was much stricter than the plan I had in Stage 4, and even then my plan changed as I got close to Stage 3.

With each set of lab results, I used my bloodwork to re-optimize my renal diet and make changes. All of this was done working with my doctors – I needed their experience and knowledge to plan the next steps in my treatment strategy.

So where am I with my renal diet plan in August 2019?
Many months ago I switched to a Ketogenic diet, modified to not aggravate my kidneys and cause inflammation. This required keeping a close eye on Potassium. Keto diets typically use Avocado for their healthy fat and Tomatoes. These are both high in Potassium, so I needed to limit them.

A quick note on potassium – too much is very bad at Stage 4 and 5, but with a higher GFR, potassium can actually be protective of your kidneys. With each new GFR I asked my doctors for an update to my daily minimum and maximums for Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Protein, Carbs, Calcium, and Calories. These levels will adjust as your GFR changes – if your doctor isn’t adjusting them, ask them WHY to help remind them they should be adjusting them.

After the first 45 days of a Keto diet I got my labs. Nearly everything moved into range nicely – including my Red Blood Cell Count and Hemoglobin’s – I was now no longer suffering from any anemia. This gave me a boost in energy and made me feel 20 years younger.

Not all was rainbow and unicorns. My Creatinine and BUN went up slightly. But I didn’t panic, it was very slightly, and my doctor warned me that might happen. Overall I was healthier though – my labs looked really good. The Keto diet plan I was on had a lot more animal-protein than I was eating and that was the cause of the increase in Creatinine and BUN.

We modified my diet again and I’m now eating very little animal protein. I am nearly vegetarian and I mainly eat animal protein as Tuna or grilled chicken with mixed veggies.

The majority of my meals are now stir fry in a cast iron wok. I’ll throw in some Ghee for healthy fat, and flavor, mix in carrots, broccoli, snow peas, cauliflower, a little kale and spinach, and other veggies and cook them up. I’ll make up my own sauce with vinegar, pineapple juice, low sodium soy sauce, ginger and other ingredients. For protein I may add an egg or two just before I’m done cooking the veggies.

I’m also eating a lot of salads and adding homemade tuna salad to them. I hate fish, so I make my tuna salad with vegan mayo, sliced celery & onions, little mustard, and lemon juice. I’ll even make a tuna sandwich using Low Carb high fiber wraps.

How to improve Kidney Health, Beat CKD, and Avoid Dialysis Playlist:

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