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CKD Stage 4: Symptoms, Treatment, Risk Factors, and Renal Diet for Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4


Episode 192 CKD Stage 4: Symptoms, Treatment, Risk Factors, and Renal Diet for Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4. Damage to the kidneys can result in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). As this condition progresses it moves across five different stages. Today we look at CKD stage 4 to learn about what it is, how you know you have it, how to treat it, and what you need to know to stop the progression of kidney decline. Renal dietitian Jen Hernandez of Plant-Powered Kidneys shares what you need to know when diagnosed with CKD Stage 4.

CKD Stage 4 Topics Discussed with renal dietitian Jen Hernandez:
What Causes Stage 4 Kidney Disease To Occur?
Health Conditions that Impact Stage 4 Kidney Disease
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Glomerulonephritis, Inherited Diseases, Autoimmune Conditions
How is Stage 4 Kidney Disease Diagnosed?
Risk factors
Risk Factors From Underlying Conditions
Risk Factors You Cannot Control
Risk Factors You Can Control
CKD Stage 4 Symptoms
When Should You See a Kidney Doctor?
When Should You See a Renal Dietitian?
What Foods Should You Avoid with Stage 4 Kidney Disease?
Foods to Eat with Stage 4 Kidney Disease
Stage 4 Renal Diet Meal Plan
Life Expectancy with Stage 4 Kidney Disease

⭐ Learn more at renal dietitian Jen Hernandez's "Stage 4 Kidney Disease: The Ultimate Guide" blog

Jen Hernandez's Mission 👉 To simplify the nutritional needs for individuals with kidney disease, and to decrease the prevalence of kidney disease by providing nutrition education including realistic and wholesome lifestyle changes 🥗.

Jen helps those with kidney disease find their best kidney-friendly diet 🥑 ! Jen's kidney warriors spend less time stressing over the "right" foods to eat 😓 and more time saving their kidney function and loving life 🙌 !

💚 Snag Jen's FREE 6-day Kidney Friendly Meal Plan, blog articles and more at:
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